Monday, April 12, 2010

The Craziest Diets Ever Known To Man

People have been dieting for centuries on end, and most people think that diets created in the past decades are ridiculous. Wait till you hear about how crazy other diets from the past century, maybe that'll change your mind.

The tapeworm diet. This diet requires the user to ingest a pill that supposedly contains a live tapeworm. By doing so, you'll have the worm munch on the excess food and you'll be shedding pounds in no time. There wasn't much proof of the effectiveness of this diet though.

The vision diet. This diet requires you to wear blue glasses, supposedly to make your food look less appetizing because of the color change the blue glasses will make on the food. Aside from looking silly with the blue glasses, it apparently does nothing to curb one's appetite.

The Bible diet. This diet makes you eat only the foods included in Genesis Chapter 9, Verse 3 - all-natural, raw, and strictly vegan - with only 15% of the food you eat should be cooked. It's been proven effective, provided that you balance your protein, vitamin, and mineral intake.

How about that, do you still think the diets of this century are too weird?

by: Abbey Grace Yap

Friday, April 9, 2010

Supposed Diet Foods That Aren't Really Diet Friendly

Part of being fit is being wise about the food we eat. Avoiding high-fat, high cholesterol foods are a must as well as eating foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

But what if your diet food isn't helping your diet?

Let me give you some examples of diet foods that actually bust your diet.

Sushi - you may think that this dish is lean and healthy because it's made of seafood and doesn't require oil to prepare, but the truth is, the cream cheese, shredded cheese, and mayo included in the dish are loaded with fat too.

Fat-free salad dressing - Fat-free doesn't always equate to healthy. Some nutrients need fat in order to be absorbed by the body. By using fat-free dressing all the time, you may actually be wasting precious nutrients in your salad greens.

Ground turkey - many a diet gurus suggest using turkey meat instead of regular ground meat. But if you're not careful enough, you may end up buying ground turkey that still contains skin and fat which will still add up to your cholesterol count.

Are you surprised at how much fat your supposed diet foods still contain? I know I am

Contributed By: Abbey Yap